Program Details

The Mossad

Robert G. Rabil
Video Catch-up

Course Description

Acting on the premise of the proverb “Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety,” the Mossad (Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations) is celebrated as one of the most successful intelligence agencies in the world. Known for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counterterrorism, the Mossad is little known for being a political arm for Israel’s prime ministers. In this one time, special lecture, Rabil will shed some light on the Mossad’s actionable intelligence and political missions, underscoring some of its both successful and inconclusive global missions.

About the Instructor

  • Robert G. Rabil, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned scholar. His books have been highly commended and reviewed by major academic journals. He is considered one of the leading experts on Salafism, radical Islam, and U.S.-Arab-Israeli relations. He earned a doctoral degree in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. In May 2012, he was conferred with an honorary doctoral degree in humanities from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and in 2022 he won the FAU Scholar of the Year award. He is a professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University.

    Lifelong Learning Professorship of Current Affairs, 2018-19
    Lifelong Learning Professorship of Current Affairs, 2012-13
    Recipient of the 2008 Excellence in Teaching Award